Page name: Temple Of Life [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-11 02:47:45
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
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Goddess Of Life

Temple Of Life



Name: Shatureel
Nick Names: Goddess of Life
Sex: Unknown
Age: Ageless
Ability: Power to Create Life.
Dislikes: People who judge others for any reason.
Weapon of choice: Staff of Life
Powers: 1) Shapeshifter, 2) Psychokinesis - : movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means. 3) Telekinesis : the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means 
Animal symbol: White Leapord and White Wolf

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God of Sorrow  owned by [Ajsinnott]

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2006-04-19 [DRACE]: hmmm I'm all home alone and noffing to do... *whimpers*

2006-04-19 [Raikcoes]: -pounces- shure ya do, im here

2006-04-19 [Shatureel]: And so am I.

2006-04-19 [RIFT KEEPER]: thats good the [Raikcoes] - *walks up behind [Shatureel] and hugs her* hello baby, did u miss me?

2006-04-19 [Shatureel]: *Turns and hugs back* I always miss you.

2006-04-19 [DRACE]: *grins and holds [Shatureel] close to his body*

2006-04-19 [Shatureel]: *looks into your eyes and smiles* Who am I talking to, [DRACE] or [RIFT KEEPER

2006-04-19 [DRACE]: your talking to Neil, Riff went home ages ago ~_~

2006-04-19 [DRACE]: people like Riff more then me, its happening all over again, he is stealing all my friends ;_;

2006-04-19 [erowen]: no hes not

2006-04-20 [Raikcoes]: na drace, just your over active imagination at work

2006-04-20 [DRACE]: o.O

2006-04-20 [Raikcoes]: -giggles-

2006-04-20 [DRACE]: *pounces on [Raikcoes] and clings*

2006-04-20 [Raikcoes]: -ish pounces- hi -giggles-

2006-04-20 [DRACE]: hello ^_______^ *climbs up onto [Raikcoes]'s right shoulder and cuddles her*

2006-04-20 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and giggles- comfy?

2006-04-20 [DRACE]: yep ^______^

2006-04-20 [Raikcoes]: -giggles- good

2006-04-20 [Amack]: dude, how small are you?

2006-04-21 [Shatureel]: He's as small as he wants to be. LOL

2006-04-21 [DRACE]: my character has rapid growth so... *jumps down and pees on [Amack]'s feet, then runs as fast as his w'ittle w'egs will carry him*

2006-04-21 [Amack]: (sigh) fuck it... I'm out of here! (kicks [DRACE] over field goal post)

2006-04-22 [DRACE]: O.O *spreads his chibby wings and glides back down safely* XP

2006-04-22 [Raikcoes]: -giggles and laughs at the both of yall-

2006-04-23 [Shatureel]: Silly, silly males.

2006-04-23 [Raikcoes]: most definately

2006-04-23 [Shatureel]: *Grins*

2006-04-23 [Raikcoes]: -giggles- yay

2006-04-23 [DRACE]: *scampers over to [Shatureel], looks up at her grinning innocently, then latchs hold of her left hand and doesn't let go*

2006-04-23 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and shakes head- typical male

2006-04-23 [Raikcoes]: okay, i got bored again!!! <img:>  but that is totally cool

2006-04-23 [Shatureel]: Thank you I love it.

2006-04-23 [Raikcoes]: your welcome ^_^

2006-04-24 [erowen]: thats cool it flashes

2006-04-24 [DRACE]: joyly good show [Raikcoes]

2006-04-24 [Raikcoes]: thanks drace

2006-04-25 [DRACE]: ^________^

2006-04-25 [Shatureel]: *hugs [DRACE]*

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: *smiles and cuddles [Shatureel]*

2006-04-26 [Raikcoes]: -giggles and watches in amusement-

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: O.o

2006-04-26 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and wonders through the rafters-

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: *sees something dangling down from the rafters, sneaks over to it, then leaps up and latchs hold of [Raikcoes]'s tail and doesn't let go*

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: *can taste blood, but still holds on...*

2006-04-26 [Raikcoes]: -jumps slightly- hullo -smiles and lifts you up in the air and dangles you in front of me

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: *smiles and waves a paw*

2006-04-26 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and jumps down to the floor and set you down in front of me and hugs you-

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: *still hangs onto your tail...*

2006-04-26 [Raikcoes]: -giggles and swings you from side to side slightly-

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: *wonders if your tail is like a gecko's tail, if I cut it off, will it grow back...* lol *grins evily, holding his hacksaw in his other paw*

2006-04-26 [Raikcoes]: -glares at you evil- ya cut it off i will cut the more personal on off

2006-04-26 [DRACE]: O.O *drops the hacksaw, but can't let go of u cause he has lock jaw*

2006-04-26 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and sets you down on my knee, and massages your jaws-

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: u can massage something else to while u have me here *grins naughtily*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -rolls eyes then just prys your jaws off of my tail- i was gonna be nice about it -washes my tail-

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: o.O *sighs, sits up on your lap and looks into your eyes*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and wraps a wing around you- tis all good lmao

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: that wasn't on my mind but eh... *snuggles up to u*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -giggles slightly and holds you close-

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: *looks down.. grins naughtily and bites your left nipple, then jumps off u and runs as fast as his w'ittle legs will carry him*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -shakes head and chases you- DRACE!!!!! im gonna get you back for that

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: *grns and starts running faster* first u have to catch me... *runs into his den and sits at the other side of his trap... I mean den*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and goes invisible- oh i will

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: EEEppp *runs to his bed and dives under the covers shivering*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -smiles as im invisible and shrinks really small and crawls underneath the door, the goes back to my normal size-

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: u can't see meeee

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and stealth like walks toward the bed- as you me, but i can smell ya -purrs-

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: *stops shivering and lifts up the blanket, peering out and seeing noffing*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -get quiet and moves closer and closer to you-

2006-04-27 [DRACE]: *hears a beeping sound and looks at the time* I gotta go byebyes

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -growls and then bites your ankle hard- boo ya

2006-04-27 [Shatureel]: *blocks [DRACE] exit*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -grins and becomes visible and bites his ankle again- told ya i would get you back for that

2006-04-27 [Shatureel]: *laughs but does not lower the barrier that is blocking [DRACE] escape.*

2006-04-27 [Raikcoes]: -growls loudly at him from behind and lowers myself to the floor ready to pounce-

2006-04-28 [DRACE]: *bites [Shatureel]'s neck, picks her up, throws a bucket of paint over [Raikcoes] and says, 'I see u', then use [Shatureel] as a weapon and hits [Raikcoes]... bolts for the exit*

2006-04-28 [Shatureel]: *quckley recovers and pounces on [DRACE], knocking him down before he can exit.* Bite me will you and use me as a weapon. you must pay for that. *Rises, lifts hands above head and brings down red fire lightening bolts on [DRACE]'s butt.*

2006-04-29 [DRACE]: *smells something burning and looks over his shoulder* O.O *gets up and starts running down to the lake, dives in butt first into the shallows, puts his tail out and slowly turns around looking at [Shatureel] and muttering something rude*

2006-04-29 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and ish invisibles and bite ahold of drac's tail-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: o.O

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -pulls-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *turns around... starts pulling his tail closer to him, then grabs notices where u r, because he is draging u into the water...* heh heh *pounces on u, holding the most part of your body under the water, pressing down with the weight of his long coat and other clothing being wet... holds what he 'HOPES', is your mouth out of the water*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -becomes visible and lets out a loud growl-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *opens his eyes wide when he sees your still bigger then him, then jobs up into the air and lends on the shoreline, starting to run into the woods and not looking back*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and flys over you and then takes a landing right on top of you-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *passes out from pain of your WEIGHT on me*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -nips your arm hard and then drags ou off-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *wakes up and almost instantly gets the pain in his arm, then sees u and tries to get away from u, grabbing small branches and ground, whatever he could*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -grins eveil and continues to drag you across the ground biting harder on your arm-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *screams for his life, then turns around and looks up at u, turning into his wolf man evil self, grabbing u around the neck and squeezing the life out of u*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -growls deep with in my throat and contimues to drag you lookin up to the sky-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *thinks.. then wraps his tail against u, holding your wings closed and tighterning his grip on your neck and ignoring the pain of his arm*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -chomps on harder smiling evily- flight isnt what im waiting for

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *starts going limp in his grip on u, but his tail stays tight... he starts to go wavey eyed from the loss of blood*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: --growls again and continues to drag you bck yo the den-

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: *grows bigger then both of you. Grabs [Raikcoes] by her wings and lifts her into the air. Catches [DRACE] in other hand as [Raikcoes] growls and lets him drop. Holding each on one hand walks to the prison cell and dumps you both in a seperate cage and seals the door shut with my magic. Glares at both of you.* You will behave in my kingdom, or you will spend your time locked up. I want you both to make nice and stop hurting one another. Is that understood. Until I am satisfied with a change in your behavior, you will both remain here. And do not think that you can escape, I have erected a magic barrier that will null any magic you may try to use to free yourselves. 

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: NOW START GETTING ALONG OR ELSE

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *passes out completely and shortly after his parasytic tail loses its grip as well*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -bows- sorry my queen -growls low at drace- he started it

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: I don't care who started it, I am ending it. *heals all wounds on both of you and orders that food and drink be brought to you.* 

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -rolls around in the cell and throw some dirt at drace-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *wakes up, looks around and says, 'was I drinking again, cause I can't remember this place'... stands up and tries to open the door, gets alittle charge through him as he feels his magic level decrease emencely* o.O ooooooooooookay miss bossy shay

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: *Saps [Raikcoes] with a small bolt* Now stop that and eat your food.

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -yipes and begins to eat daintily- another zap pleasde for this side?

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: *Smirks and grins.* Smart Ass *Then saps you just for fun*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -giggles and laughs rollin on the floor- i l.ove it

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: *shakes head and laughs silently* Yes I know you do

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: well whatever rocks ones boat...

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -giggles- now i remember y i stuck forks in outlets

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: o.O oh by the way I am making a wiki for people who like to take role playing to the point of becoming annoying, I'll tell u soon kk

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: okie day.

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: Thats cool.

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: eh here is the first page thingy and the other thingy if ya wanna join... *goess all puppy eyed* Knock Off Knock Off Members

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: i guess i could be nice and take a look if you promise not to try and kill me ne more, and only if i ask, then its okay

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: I promise... till a point *grins evily and sharpens his sling dagger*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: only if i ask

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: can any one get into my wikis? ;_;

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: i will see

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: kk

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: it works

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: Yep it sure does work

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *does alittle dance in his CELL*

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -giggles and lays there on the dirt floor drawind with my tail-

2006-04-30 [DRACE]: *grabs his tail and tries to pick the lock... and bends his tail... his tail turns to him and starts trying to bite him*... >.<

2006-04-30 [Shatureel]: *laughs* Thats what you get for messing with my magic.

2006-04-30 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and giggles at drace- silly person -continues to draw-

2006-05-01 [RIFT KEEPER]: *looks into the cell and sees Drace's tail as it launchs towards him, he grabs it, then holds his blade against it and says, 'Talin calm down or get cut off, your choice'... his tail stops and returns to Drace... then he walks away*

2006-05-01 [erowen]: hi guys

2006-05-01 [RIFT KEEPER]: hello [erowen], do u still dislike me?

2006-05-01 [DRACE]: *growls, goes on all fours and charges the cell door... hits it and charges again and again, repeating the cycle over and over and over again... he feels blood drip down his head and he looks alittle woozey... he charges one last to, he hits the cell door and gets knocked out...*

2006-05-01 [Shatureel]: *heals [DRACE] wounds and pads the cell so he does not hurt himself again.* [RIFT KEEPER] Why have you not joined my wiki yet?

2006-05-01 [DRACE]: I was trying to get out ;_; *wakes up, pulls [Raikcoes] over to a corner and pleases her with his tounge, cause [Shatureel] won't free them*

2006-05-01 [erowen]: i didnt say i disliked you

2006-05-02 [DRACE]: *looks up teasingly at [Shatureel]*

2006-05-02 [erowen]: hey everyone, did i tell you the good news yet?

2006-05-02 [DRACE]: u didn't tell me ~_~

2006-05-02 [L V F]: -chuckles and watchs-

2006-05-02 [erowen]: im having a girl!

2006-05-03 [L V F]: Congrats erowen

2006-05-03 [DRACE]: a girl... o.O wait how old r u ? >.<

2006-05-03 [erowen]: thanks, i will be 19 on the 10th

2006-05-03 [L V F]: Wow your a little young to be haveing a kid. But still congrats. Atleast your not 13 like this one chick i know

2006-05-03 [erowen]: ok well consider this, i also have a fiance and we are looking to buy our first house a victorian style house.

2006-05-03 [L V F]: In that case mucho congrats. you guys are prepared for it.

2006-05-03 [erowen]: lol thanks, but its gonna be a little tough well get through

2006-05-04 [DRACE]: goodluck [erowen]

2006-05-04 [erowen]: thanks

2006-05-05 [Shatureel]: Well congrats to you [erowen] and to your fiance

2006-05-05 [erowen]: thank you all

2006-05-05 [DRACE]: ...

2006-05-06 [Shatureel]: Life, is so sweet. 

2006-05-06 [L V F]: -huggles to all who want them-

2006-05-06 [DRACE]: o.o *squeals and runs away*

2006-05-06 [L V F]: -laughs-

2006-05-06 [DRACE]: u may be a half breed but I am guessing fire still hurts u *growls and glares at [L V F]... as his wings turn into flames*

2006-05-07 [L V F]: Fire is funny. i eat it for breakfest. -yawns and cracks claws- But if ur gonna challenge me than do so.

2006-05-07 [DRACE]: o.o I just remembered soething... [Shatureel] can I go out of the cell now *whimpers*

2006-05-09 [RIFT KEEPER]: well what is it u would like me to be in this temple of yours [Shatureel]?

2006-05-15 [former user#2]: ...and from the ashes i shall return

2006-05-15 [DRACE]: we r the dry husks, the empty shells

2006-05-16 [erowen]: hello?

2006-05-17 [L V F]: -laughs and sits back sipping on a vodka-

2006-05-18 [Shatureel]: *Sits down next to [L V F] after releasing [DRACE]* Hello [erowen], hello to all.

2006-05-18 [L V F]: -smiles and turns ionto my white wolf fom and cuddles with [Shatureel]-

2006-05-18 [DRACE]: *goes back to his den, puts on his light brown pants, long black coat and wide brimmed hate, walks outside, lites up a cigar, walks over to [Shatureel], snarling, he takes a big puff of smoke, then blows it out into [Shatureel]'s face, turns and walks down to the river and stands alone*

2006-05-18 [DRACE]: *puts the cigar in the corner of his mouth, uses his telepathy and sorts out the pebbles on the river surface, picks out a few then skims across the surface, waiting for [Shatureel]'s or one of her lap dogs retrobution*

2006-05-19 [RIFT KEEPER]: *kicks [DRACE] in the jarbone for being an ass to [Shatureel]*

2006-05-19 [L V F]: -rips out draces heart and cuts off his head with my claws-

2006-05-20 [DRACE]: didn't u know already Halfbreed, I have no heart ~_~ *reattachs his head*

2006-05-21 [RIFT KEEPER]: [Shatureel], what would you like me to be? ~ I can fill MANY positions ^_~

2006-05-21 [Shatureel]: [RIFT KEEPER] I would like you to be whatever you wish to be. I know that you would prefer not to join, but you are here all the time and have become a part of us. So you might as well join us offically. *Turns to [DRACE] and smiles* Always the bad boy are you. Well then you must be punished for being so mean to me, when I am good to you. *holds hands out, pins you to the ground with my mind. Walks over to [DRACE], places foot on his chest, looks down at him and laughs* I should lock you up for good, but that will not stop you from being a little prick with me will it. So What to do with you my friend. *Turns and leaves [DRACE] pinned to the ground* I must think what to do and  

2006-05-21 [Shatureel]: [DRACE] don't bother trying to break free, you can't break my mind grip. Remember who I am.

2006-05-23 [DRACE]: I remember... and I remember seeing that nice little snatch of yours when I looked up your leg as u stepped on my chest, *laughs*

2006-05-23 [DRACE]: *sighs... then focuses on the sky and grumbles... says, 'bloody rain'*

2006-05-23 [Shatureel]: *Glares at you, then suddenly grins, laughs and walks into the gray mist vanishing from sight.*

2006-05-24 [DRACE]: *watchs as drops land all around him... slowly getting heavier... he screams out at the top of his lungs, swearing at [Shatureel], but nothing can be heard through the rain*

2006-05-25 [Shatureel]: *appears under the huge umbrella and sets [DRACE] free, then disappears again.*

2006-05-25 [DRACE]: *gets to his feet, then walks up to the cells and takes a leak, then moves on into the rain*

2006-06-06 [DRACE]: *pants a rude word on the Temple doors... runs away and hides*

2006-06-06 [erowen]: so whats been going on

2006-06-07 [Shatureel]: seems like nothing much these days.

2006-06-07 [RIFT KEEPER]: fucking hell, if I seen that fucking slag Lynn, formaly known as [Cocktease] ( on fake ) and [Haverst Moon] on here I would fucking slap her so fucking hard

2006-06-07 [DRACE]: o.o duckie...

2006-06-07 [erowen]: whoa rift, calm down its going to be ok

2006-06-08 [Shatureel]: Relax [RIFT KEEPER], this is a place to have fun, forget your troubles at the door please and enjoy yourself.

2006-06-08 [+Shadow+]: Umm.....What I miss?

2006-06-10 [Shatureel]: Hello.

2006-06-10 [+Shadow+]: Hi.

2006-06-10 [Shatureel]: how are you doing today

2006-06-10 [+Shadow+]: Good. brb. I have to break my sister out of the bathroom.

2006-06-10 [Shatureel]: okay, what is your sister doing in the locked in the bathroom

2006-06-10 [+Shadow+]: Some one upset her and set her into another episode and she locked herself in the bathroom. [Venom Boy]

2006-06-10 [+Shadow+]: again

2006-06-10 [Shatureel]: I see, and you rescued her.

2006-06-10 [+Shadow+]: Yeah. I love her too much to see her hurt herself again.

2006-06-10 [Shatureel]: You are a good sister. Have you joined my wiki?

2006-06-10 [+Shadow+]: No, but my older sister Elli has.

2006-06-10 [Sweet Disaster]: Boo all.

2006-06-10 [Shatureel]: BOO back. Well you can join if you like, just go to memebers and sign up

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